Don’s Tips: Re-Potting Bonsai & Moving Trees


Repotting Bonsai

Repotting Bonsai

August is the last month for safely moving large trees or for re-potting bonsai plants.

If you don’t do it now, you have to wait until next June to do it.

To re-pot a bonsai, remove it from its pot and gently tease out the outer 1/3rd  of the root ball with a skewer or a metal knitting needle.  Then re-pot it back into its old pot with some fresh bonsai potting mix.

To move large trees, dig out a root ball about 1/3rd  the width of the height of the tree.  For most non-native trees, you can get away with poor workmanship this month.

… So do it now.

Plant at the same height as it was before you started & water it in very very well.
