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Bird-friendly & Beautiful
For the full article click here (1MB PDF) Don Burke says you can discourage the bossy, unwanted feral birds and... read more -
Birds’ Beak and Feather Disease
Correct Name: Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD). In Australia, and probably other countries, PBFD and French Moult in... read more -
Vitamin D: A Sick Budgie Breakthrough
The world’s most popular pet is the Australian budgerigar. It’s kept in captivity more than any other pet but unfortunately... read more -
Hybrid Chooks
Whether they’re called ISAbrown, Hy-line, Hisex or Lohmann, the red plumaged commercial hybrids are fantastic layers that adapt well... read more -
BREED: Faverolles Chickens COSTS: Around $50.00 per bird, $100 for breeding stock. $2.00 per bird per week to feed. GROOMING:... read more -
Turkey Roadtest
Breed: Turkeys Temperament: easily tamed, noisy males Cost: from $25 – $50 Lifespan: 5-9 years Maintenance: medium Recommended for:hobby and... read more -
Cockatiels Breed: Cockatiel, hand raisedTemperament: usually affectionate, individuals can varyCost: from $20-$200 for petsLifespan: up to 30 years Maintenance: mediumRecommended... read more -
Weird Animals
Breed: Pekin, Saxony, Indian Runner ducks Temperament: Pekin and Saxony: friendly, placid. Indian Runner: excitable, timid Cost: from $20 Lifespan:... read more -
Feeding Native Birds
The feeding of native birds is an increasingly important issue as new housing developments encroach on areas of bushland... read more -
Cross Bred Chooks -Best Backyard Chickens
Breed: Cross-bred chickens Temperament: manageable, quiet Cost: $9.50 – $15.00 Lifespan: 2 -10 years Maintenance: low-medium (depending on numbers) Recommended... read more -
Long-tail Finch
Long-tail Finch Breed: Long-tail finchTemperament: inquisitive and sociableCost: $80 – $120Lifespan: 5-8 years Maintenance: lowRecommended for: beginner to experienced bird... read more -
Polish Chooks
Polish Chooks Breed: Polish Chooks Temperament: Can be flighty Cost: $30 plus Lifespan: Seven years Recommended for: Experienced breeders... read more