Backyard Blitz
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Fact Sheets and instructions for projects from the show

Backyard Blitz Makeovers
Ep 01 AUSSI Junior Landcare Blitz
In response to Cyclone Larry, the Blitz and Landcare teams restore a school grounds, devastated in the storm. When Cyclone... VIEW PDFEp 01 Baby Blitz
In 1997, Helen Brooks visited Australia from England and loved the place so much she decided to stay. It was... VIEW PDFEp 01 Doing it for the Kids
Father Chris Riley established the charity organisation Youth Off The Streets to help abused and drug dependent youth get off... VIEW PDFEp 01 Inner City Slick
The Backyard Blitz team turned an overgrown backyard into an inspirational garden in just one weekend. The plan was to... VIEW PDFEp 01 Renovate or Detonate
Landscape designer, Andrew Davies, from dig has created a romantic, European rambling garden. Accessibility was a major issue for Sara,... VIEW PDFEp 01 Revisiting Old Friends
Since March 2000, 50 gardens across Australia have been madeover by the Backyard Blitz team. With a combined total of... VIEW PDFEp 01 Street Blitz
A new Blitz for 2006. We’ve seen the Blitz team do houses all over Australia, but can they tackle an... VIEW PDFEp 01 Wedding Spectacular
Kay Howell and her fiance, Mark Clinch, had long held dreams of living on acreage and getting married in their... VIEW PDFEp 02 Garden Gallery
Jill Clements is a mother and talented artist with a love of colour and Asian influences. Jill’s daughters nominated her... VIEW PDFEp 02 It Could Be You
Backyard Blitz enjoys a huge following, and the one thing that unites all its fans is the same dream, the... VIEW PDFEp 02 It Could Be You
It is back – the show where we choose one house in Australia at random from the air and ask... VIEW PDFEp 02 Jungle Fever
Michael Luxford is an old fashioned bloke from a large family, so when he met and fell in love with... VIEW PDF