Don’s Tips: Glyphosate



You often hear criticism from some groups about the safety or otherwise of the weed killer Glyphosate: this is sold as Roundup, Zero and other names.

I am a person who is very wary about chemical use in the garden and who is also concerned about human health and environmental health issues.

To cut to the chase, Glyphosate is one of the safest weed killers ever developed. It replaced horrible products such as 24D and 245T – aka agent orange.

However, its over-use is a bad thing: over use of glyphosate in gardens leads to the locking up of essential plant nutrients – which means that your garden plants or lawns don’t grow well.

Over use on farms is far worse, inevitably leading to resistance to glyphosate and hence is a threat to its widespread usefulness.

The bottom line: Use Roundup & Zero and the other forms of Glyphosate but use them in moderation. Try to use whipper snippers (i.e. line trimmers) for lawn edges rather than herbicides.

Moderation in all things is the key.

Over-use of Glyphosate is not a good thing.

Hooroo! Don