Ginger is the most important health giving plant that probably people could ever eat.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) grows in the temperate and warmer zones of the world. It has thin, strap–like leaves and can be grown from store-bought ginger roots. However, you’ll have best success in your garden when the roots planted are young, fresh and plump. Ginger enjoys hot, moist conditions, so mulch around the base of the plants to keep up the soil moisture. It dies down a bit in winter in cool zones.
The ginger family also consists of Galangal (Alpinia galanga), which is used throughout Asia in cooking. Galangal also has narrow strap-like leaves and prefers rich soil in a shady spot.
Tumeric (curcuma longa syn. Domestica) is another member of the ginger family and it plays a vital role. It has broad, green tropical-style leaves throughout the summer growing season. Though it’s a tropical plant that thrives on heat and moisture, turmeric will grow well in temperate zones during summer. In the tropics it looks good year-round.
Feed plants with Dynamic Lifter or another manure during the growing season, and keep plants well watered. When it gets ratty looking at the end of autumn or in early winter in temperate zones, cut it down to the ground. It will re-shoot in spring.
Turmeric is a main ingredient in Indian curries. Why is this important? India has perhaps the lowest rate of Dementia, Alzheimers’s in the world and their diet consists of curries containing Turmeric. Eating one curry per week containing Turmeric is a terrific investment in the later years of your life and your general health.
The largest organ in the human body is the gut biome which is sort of the eco system inside your gut, that’s below your stomach where the food goes after the basic digestion in the stomach for a final go at it and then it turns into faecal material. The gut biome drives your immune system and much of your bodily health. Ginger, fibre and all that goes down there, gets the micro organisms in that little eco system in your gut working really well and that provides good health.