Backyard Farming
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Fact Sheets from the new Burke’s Backyard Backyard Farming DVD
Rachel’s Family Vegie Garden
Rachel Potter is a mother of two boys. She and her husband Greg adore growing and using fresh herbs and... read more -
When to Harvest
People these days are worried about buying fruit and vegetables and the chemicals that are on them. The only way... read more -
Grow Ginger, Live Better
Ginger is the most important health giving plant that probably people could ever eat. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) grows in... read more -
Finger Limes
Every so often a fabulous new food plant comes along but not often like this one. It’s not the most... read more -
Cherry Tomatoes
What are the best tomatoes to grow? The cocktail fruiting ones! Don was lucky enough to have a Cherry Tomato... read more -
Peas Need Lime & Deterring White Butterfly
Peas are definitely worth growing at home. There are two broad groups, one is the flowering sweet pea which have... read more -
Fixing Water Repellent Soils
One of the most prevalent myths Don encounters is ‘Why is my plant sick when I water it well?’ The... read more -
How Water Works in Pots and in the Soil
How does a pot work? How does the potting mix behave inside a pot? Believe it or not, pots suspend... read more -
Chicken Coops for Small Spaces
There’s a wide range of chicken coops on the market, even if you’ve got a small backyard, you can still... read more -
Paper Pots
Some herbs and vegies definitely grow best from seeds planted where you want them to grow. They hate being transplanted.... read more -
Organic Fruit Fly Control
A lot of people don’t like spraying toxic chemicals on any of their plants and particularly not on plants where... read more -
Vegie Garden Tips
It’s very important when designing a vegetable garden, to make it functional and to also make it a nice area... read more