Terrariums are back in fashion. These are tremendous fun: tiny backyards inside a glass container, jar or sphere.
Many nurseries stock these glass terrarium containers and they also may have a range of very tiny indoor plants in tiny tubes – not much bigger than eggcups
The idea is to use your artistic skills to create a living world in miniature inside your glass container. You can also use an old fish tank or aquarium as the container.
There are tiny palms, tiny ferns and mosses plus amazing bromeliads and also mosaic plants. Mosaic plants or Fittonias have tiny green or burgundy leaves veined white, red or other colours.
Inside the terrarium is an ecosystem in miniature and kids in particular will love their terrarium.
For more info go to the Burke’s Backyard website and then to our YouTube channel to see the segment on DIY terrariums. I hope you enjoy it.