Have you ever thought about going nuts?
Well, you can, by growing nuts at home. Many nuts do well in home gardens:
Almonds, macadamias, pecans, walnuts.
… but where and how?
Well in cooler areas you can grow walnuts and almonds.
In middle to warmer areas you can grow pecans and macadamias.
What are the problems?
Well white cockies will eat pecans. Most nut trees will be occasionally troubled by parrots, cockies and even rats.
With all nuts you must buy named and labeled varieties – not just, say, a macadamia seedling.
Overall, nut trees are easy enough to grow and they don’t need constant spraying or other care.
Nut trees are available now, but I would always ask the horticulturist at the plant shop to explain the growing requirements at purchase time.