A cheery front door to a home is always a good idea.
When you come home you feel happy. When visitors come around they feel welcome and are impressed…
So how do you cheer up your entrance?
Well it’s very simple. A few colourful pots of plants will do the job. Firstly, assess the colours at the front door: the colours of your house, the front door itself and the paving or decking.
Select an attractive pot that goes with these colours. In general it’s safer to have a pot that is not too gaudy. Leave the bright colours for the flowering plants IN the pots.
Again select flowering plants that go with your house colours. You can buy anything in flower at the plant or hardware shop. Potted colour is cheap, or maybe a daphne for its perfume or a clump of white flowering snowflakes…
Whatever takes your eye. When the flowers finish, just buy something else in flower & put them in the same pots
Happy front doors guys!