Gaura ‘Siskiyou Pink’

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Gaura ‘Siskiyou Pink’

One of the most fashionable plants to have in your garden at the moment is gaura (Gaura lindheimeri) also called White Butterfly Bush. Although commonly pronounced gow-ra, it is more correctly called gore-ra. It is particularly popular in cottage gardens and now there is a new pink variety of gaura available called ‘Siskiyou Pink’.

Plant details

Common name: Pink Gaura

Botanic name: Gaura lindheimeri ‘Siskiyou Pink’

Best climate: Grows in all but the most tropical parts of Australia (see climate map). Gaura is a perennial which comes from the prairies of Texas.

Size: It will grow to 1.2m (4′) or more. The tall spikes of pink flowers are held high above the foliage on stiff stems.

Best look: While the white form has a slight pinky look ‘Siskiyou Pink’ is a strong pink colour. These plants, both the white and pink varieties, look good in the fashionable ‘post-white’ garden which they can enliven with a touch of pink. Both the plain white and this new pink form will flower from spring through summer to autumn.

Good points:

  • Fast growing and long flowering.

  • Massed flowers from spring to autumn.
  • It is one of those plants that you can rely on to grow and flower despite all odds.
  • Pest or disease free in almost all areas.


  • Full sun and heat.

  • Good drainage.

Care: They are at their best in an open sunny position in well drained soil. Their Texan origin means they are tolerant of heat and some dryness. The plants can be cut back hard in early spring (around September). Cut back to about 15cm (6″). If the plants are looking tired prune again in summer to encourage a further flush of flowers. The plants should be in full bloom six to seven weeks after pruning.

Getting started: Gaura is sold at most nurseries throughout Australia. ‘Siskiyou Pink’ costs $10-$12 for a 15cm (6″) pot.

To grow more plants, divide your established clump in spring or take soft tip or semi-hardwood cuttings in summer.