Don visited actor Jay Laga’aia, his wife Sandie and their kids. Jay is currently playing the role of Mufasa in the smash hit musical, The Lion King. His stage and screen credits include The New Rocky Horror Show, Jesus Christ Superstar, West Side Story, Water Rats and Star Wars.
Jay is so busy acting that he does not have much time for gardening, so Don decided to surprise him with a backyard makeover. He called in his special Maori landscaping team to help him create an attractive, yet functional and safe space for the children to play.
The Maori landscapers are a legend in the swimming pool industry, because they are able to excavate for pools in difficult sites with no machine access (contact Bob Baker, Ironline Excavations, phone 0418 252 264 or 02 9481 8699).
The main aspect of the makeover was to sink the trampoline into the ground. A below-ground trampoline is much safer and gives a more open and spacious feel to the garden. Don explained that when the kids grow up and the trampoline is no longer wanted, it can be removed and the pit turned into a sunken eatery for alfresco dining.
The makeover
1. The Maori landscaping team got to work digging the hole for the trampoline. (Tip: turn the trampoline upside down on the ground then use it to mark the size of the hole.) Approximately 8 cubic metres of earth had to be removed, leaving a hole 3800mm x 2560mm x 780mm.
2. A trench was dug from one corner of the pit to allow drainage of the trampoline hole downhill and out to natural drains of the property. White plastic pipe was installed in the trench in a bed of blue metal.
3. Don used a straight edge and level to create a fall diagonally across the base of the hole towards the white pipe in the corner.
4. A wall of treated pine sleepers was constructed to stop the soil from collapsing into the hole. Treated pine sleepers were cut in half and used as posts to hold the wall in place. They were installed upright in the ground using quick setting concrete. The horizontal sleepers were then put into position and nailed off. (Tip: all sleeper cut ends were treated with Tanalised Ecoseal, to prevent rot.)
5. The trampoline was lowered into its new position.
6. Don made over the garden beds with colourful new plantings, including Cordyline ‘Red Sensation’ and Coprosma ‘Rainbow Surprise’. Two grafted fruit trees in blue pots were transplanted into the garden, and the pots were filled with cheerful chrysanthemums. To complete the tropical look, a dead wattle was removed and a frangipani planted in its place. Safety Warning:
Children should not be allowed to climb under inground trampolines. Parental supervision is advisable.
Approximate costs
2.4m x 200mm x 100mm treated pine sleepers, $24 each
Rapid set concrete, $10 per bag
300g tin of Tanalised Ecoseal, $17 from timber yards
65mm white plastic pipe
Coprosma Rainbow Surprise, 200mm (8″) pot, $19
Cordyline Red Sensation, 430mm (17″) pot, $175
Further information
Ironline Excavations
Bob Baker
Mob: 0418 252 264
Phone: (02) 9481 8699
The Lion King is currently on at the Capitol Theatre, Sydney.
For tickets phone: 1300 855 445 or visit the website: