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The arrival on bare branches of the elegantly sculpted, waxy flowers of Magnolia x soulangeana always lets us know that spring is edging closer. Amazingly, magnolia flowers have been harbingers of spring from time immemorial. Magnolias are among the most ancient of the Angiosperm (flowering plant) genera, and fossils found in rocks reveal little change over the last 100 million years. Nature must find it difficult to improve on perfection.

Plant details

Common name:


Botanic name:

Magnolia x soulangeana Magnolias are named in honour of Pierre Magnol (1638-1715), a professor of botany and one-time director of the Montpellier Botanic Gardens in the south of France.

Description: M. x soulangeana is a large shrub or small tree that reaches a height and width of around of 6m (20′). It is a perfect plant for a small garden. Its large, freely produced flowers appear just before the leaves and are white inside and a soft rosy-purple outside. It is a hybrid developed by M.Soulange-Boudin in 1820. One parent has dark purple, narrow petals (M. liliflora) and the other is the white-flowering Yulan magnolia (M. denudata). The Yulan magnolia is known to have been grown in gardens in China for about 1400 years. It blooms in late winter and is also a good small tree for the garden.

There are many hybrid magnolias available from growers, and they include shades of purple, white, pinkish-purple and yellow. A walk around a nursery at this time of the year will help you to choose the cultivar to suit your garden’s requirements.

Best climate:

Spring-flowering magnolias thrive in temperate areas, such as Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. In cold climate gardens they need a warm micro-climate.

Good points:

beautiful, fragrant flowers
flowers appear on bare branches enhancing the display
many cultivars available
ideal tree for small gardens
slow growing, long lived


Expensive to buy, but well worth the money.


Magnolias like well-drained, well-mulched, slightly acidic soil enriched with organic matter.
A position with early morning sun is best but magnolias can endure full sun if watered well.
Protect from strong, hot winds.
It is vital to keep new plants well watered. If they dry out the leaves will become brown, dry and brittle and the plant may die or will be set back severely in its growth. Once plants are well established they are more resilient but still require regular, deep watering through spring and summer, particularly in warmer areas (water restrictions permitting).

Getting started:

Spring-flowering magnolias are readily available from nurseries, particularly in late winter and early spring when they are in flower. Expect to pay around $100 for a 300mm (12″) pot.