Euphorbia leucocephala, or snow flake bush, is an interesting plant from Central America, which puts on a wonderful display of creamy, petal-like bracts during autumn and winter. Closely related to poinsettia, it is a classic low maintenance plant that would suit the average garden.
Plant details
Common name: Snow Flake, Snows of Kilimanjaro
Botanic name: Euphorbia leucocephala
The genus name, Euphorbia, may be derived from Euphorbus, a Greek
physician. The species name, leucocephala, means ‘white head’.
Best climate: Sydney, Perth and areas north. Will not tolerate frost.
Description: A shrub to 1.5-2m (5-6′) tall and 2-3m (6-10′) wide. It flowers in autumn and winter, from April to July and then loses its leaves for a short period. From spring it is green for the rest of the year. Artificial night lighting may inhibit flowering.
low maintenance gardens
feature shrub
clipped dense hedge as a screen
pruned to a standard
planted in a tub
Snow flake bush likes well-drained soil and a position in full sun to semi-shade. Protect from frost and wind (stems tend to be brittle). Prune heavily after leaf drop and then give another light clip in early summer. Apply slow release fertiliser after pruning. (Tip: wear gloves when pruning as milky sap may irritate sensitive skin.)
Getting started:
If you have trouble finding snow flake bush, ask your local nursery to order it in for you.