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Prunes have always been valued as a laxative, because as well as being a great source of fibre they also contain sorbitol and some organic acids that stimulate the large bowel. Even prune juice, which has virtually no fibre, has a laxative effect. However, Dr Rosemary Stanton says that if you eat high-fibre breakfast cereals, wholegrain breads and plenty of fruits and vegetables you won’t have a problem with constipation. You’ll no longer need prunes as a medicine, but you can still enjoy them just for pleasure.

What are prunes?

Prunes are simply dried plums. They are great sources of some antioxidants known as polyphenols. Our bodies constantly produce damaging substances called free radicals, and although we have our own antioxidants to combat free radicals it helps to get some extras from food. Prunes are especially high in one family of antioxidants that may help protect your arteries from damage and also decrease the risk of cancer-causing invaders attacking your body. Prunes are also a source of boron, which is important for strong bones.

Other dried fruits

Other dried fruits, such as apricots, raisins and sultanas, are also healthy. They are excellent snacks, particularly for kids. Dried apricots are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and also provide some iron. Raisins and sultanas are not quite as valuable but they provide fibre and are still good for you. Although dried fruits don’t contain any more sugar than was present in the original fruits before they were dried, the sugar and the nutrients are more concentrated because much of the usual water content has been removed through the drying process.

What to do

Instead of giving kids lollies, give them some dried fruit. Prunes are especially good. If you have cravings for something sweet but you also want something healthy, it’s a good idea to keep some pitted prunes at the office. If you suffer from constipation, eat high-fibre cereals or breads and plenty of fruit and vegetables. You can eat prunes for their laxative properties, or enjoy them just for pleasure.