Kitchen Storage Solutions

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Messy kitchen cupboards are disorganised, untidy and impractical. As well as looking bad, it’s impossible to find anything in them! Tara Dennis explained that there have been some exciting advances in modern kitchen design. She looked at some of the latest design features at a kitchen showroom, and also had a peek at space saving ideas in a recently renovated kitchen. They include:

Custom made cabinets to make use of awkward spaces, such as under the sink and in corners.
Stackable plate carriers to keep plates organised and also make stacks of plates easy to carry.
Modular drawer inserts, which are removable, washable and can be rearranged in many different ways.
Drawers that never bang or stick, they simply glide open and closed!
Sliding storage baskets and carousels, which allow easy access to contents.

Go modular

Many of the features shown in our segment are installed as part of a new kitchen. You can expect to pay about 15% more than you would for a standard kitchen, but Tara thinks it is definitely worth spending the extra dollars because there are ways to maximise every square inch of kitchen space.

If you can’t afford a kitchen renovation, you can still get your kitchen in order with a few plastic storage tubs. Choose tubs that are square, clear and stackable. Before buying the storage tubs Tara recommends measuring first, because not all drawers and cupboards come in standard sizes.

Further information

The two-door, 6-drawer pantry shown in our segment cost around $1200.
Speak to a quality kitchen manufacturer about getting some of the latest components fitted to your kitchen cupboards.
Blum Australia Pty Ltd, Showroom, 35a Heathcote Road, Moorebank, NSW. Phone: (02) 9822 8471.
Kitchen supplier: Impala Kitchens, Phone: (02) 9819 6915 or