What type of plants should we plant around a pool?

Question From: 
Emma in Sydney SA


What type of plants should we plant around a pool?


Type of Plant (if known): 


Symptoms of Plant Illness (please try NOT to diagnose your problems yourself): 


Soil Type (e.g. sandy, clay or loam) OR Potting Mix Type: 


How often do you water the plant:
Will have a drip system


How many hours of sunlight does the plant get each day:
Most will get sun all day, but a few will get shade


What type of plant is it:


How long since you planted it:


Have you fertilised? If so, with what and when:


Is the plant indoors or outdoors: 


What other treatments have you given the plant: 

Upload photo if available: 

Other Comments: 
We’ve just built a new house & pool. We need to plant something around the boundary fence and pool area. What plant can you suggest / recommend that will grow to a sufficient height to provide privacy and will not grow ‘outwards’ and invade the pool area/space?
Thank you



Local knowledge is always best, so ask at your local nursery for the best advice.  However, clumping palms like Golden Cane palms are good as are some of the narrow upright vatieties of lilly pillies. Yucca elephantipes is good too. You also might consider erecting a lattice screen and growing a climber on it. Pandoreas are good as are well trained bougainvilleas. NEVER grow climbers in pots for privacy: to provide adequate screening, you must plant them in the ground.

Good luck,