Cleaning Silverware

Rita Hill demonstrated how to clean tarnished silver without using any elbow grease! The tarnish on silver is a layer of black silver sulfide, formed when proteins come in contact with the silver. When silver is cleaned using an abrasive polish, some silver is actually removed. The method Rita used is not only very easy, but it also reverses the tarnishing reaction and restores the silver by turning silver sulfide back into silver metal.

You’ll need:

a large aluminium pot or tray (or use disposable aluminium barbecue trays, or line a large, stainless steel pot with aluminium foil)
2 tablespoons bicarbonate of soda
boiling water

 Wash the silverware with soap and water to remove any grease.
Place the silverware in the tray. Sprinkle bicarbonate of soda over the silver then add the boiling water. If you have larger objects that won’t fit in a tray, use a big pot lined with foil. Place the silver pieces in the pot, making sure each one touches the foil. Fill the pot with enough water to cover the silverware, add the bicarbonate of soda and then bring it to the boil and simmer for a few minutes.

(Tip: Add more bicarbonate of soda, after the water, if the tarnish is stubborn).
When the silverware is clean, lift it out using stainless steel tongs. Rinse under the tap and dry with a clean cloth.