When David Terry first saw the warehouse, it was a factory filled with 10,000 suits. His design transformed the building into a unique residence, workshop and garden. The living areas are upstairs, and they look down onto a unique garden on the ground floor of the warehouse.
Design challenge
It was a real challenge to create a garden in an enclosed area with a concrete floor, but the owners were keen to give it a try. The first step was to remove about one third of the roof. Two pools were constructed, one with a large stainless steel water feature. Both ponds were planted with water plants. Rain falls through the open roof down into the pools, watering the plants and helping to moderate the heat in summer.
In order to achieve a three dimensional aspect to the space, large containers of varying heights from 1m-2m tall were constructed. These pillars hold potted plants, complete with their own watering system. Creepers grow up the side of the pillar boxes to provide a lush, green feel in the area.
Both David and the owners liked the industrial aesthetic of the property and tried to keep as much as possible that would be reminiscent of the old building. The oldest part of the building dates to the early part of the 20th century, while the two storey section was probably built in the 1940s or 1950s. The end result is architecturally beautiful, as well as homely and very livable.
Further information
Our segment was filmed with:
David Terry
Seymour Design Consultants
This garden in Melbourne will open with Australias Open Garden Scheme in March 2005. For more details phone 1902 261 026 closer to the date.