Lazy Tile Tips

Tara Dennis showed how to makeover old kitchen tiles, without going to the trouble or the expense of retiling.

Tile transfers

Tile transfers can be applied to plain tiles for a stylish new look. They are inexpensive, easy to apply and there are many different designs to choose from. Simply soak in warm water, slide off the backing, place onto the tile and dry with a cloth. Available from hardware stores at around $11 for a pack of 5.


Just scrape out all of the old grout and replace with new grout. You can regrout in plain white, or choose from 20 different coloured grouts. Available from hardware stores at around $3.50 for 1 kg.

Grout pen

If you don’t want to go to the trouble of regrouting, you can use a grout pen to paint across the grout areas and make them look fresh and new again. White Knight 5ml grout pen, about $8 from hardware stores.

Grout sealer

Apply liquid grout sealer with a soft cloth to keep grout looking fresh and new. This product works particularly well on kitchen splashbacks where food staining can be a problem. Water Shield grout sealer 500ml, around $25 from hardware stores.

Tile paint

Tara showed a 3-part tile paint system from White Knight. To give your tiles a complete makeover, just clean, prime and paint. Available from hardware stores. Approximate costs: 500ml tile & laminate cleaner $10, 1 litre tile & laminate primer $30, 1 litre tile paint $30.