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The Spectacled or Australian pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus) is a large black and white bird with a pink-yellow pouch. Courting birds develop bright red bill colourings which fade after they have paired and eggs are laid. Pelicans can be found across Australia wherever there is a suitable expanse of water, either fresh or salt. After heavy flooding, inland lakes and waterways fill with water, and soon teem with fish and other aquatic life. The pelicans somehow know when this has happened, and head inland in large numbers to breed and take advantage of the plentiful food supply.


Although they are heavy birds, pelicans are magnificent flyers, soaring and gliding as high as 3000 metres on upward spiralling air currents known as thermals. This enables them to travel great distances in relatively short periods of time. The feathers on the tips of their wings look a bit like fingers, and work in much the same way as the slats on the wing tips of planes. Pelicans increase the efficiency of their flight by gliding just above the water. This compresses air between their wings and the water surface to give them double the lift and a much longer glide.   

Pelican feeding

Visitors to The Entrance, on the New South Wales Central Coast, can see and learn about Australian pelicans every day of the year.

The Entrance Town Centre Management conducts daily pelican feeding as a tourist attraction. They’ve built a special platform where the pelicans congregate each afternoon, waiting to be fed with fish. This also gives the organisers an opportunity to identify and treat injured birds. The pelicans often swallow fish hooks and bait bags, as well as getting tangled in fishing line.

Further information

Pelicans are fed every day (including Public Holidays) at 3.30pm at Pelican Plaza, Marine Parade, The Entrance. For details ring (02) 4333 5377.