Pet Road Tests
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Please Can He Come In?
Please Can He Come In? Science reporter Graeme Quirk says that you can reduce your heating bill simply by letting... read more -
Spur-winged Plovers
Spur-winged Plovers We visited the grounds of Sydney University, where a pair of Spur-winged plovers is nesting. The parents... read more -
Australian Stock Horses
Breed: Australian Stock Horse Temperament: quiet, intelligent, easy to train Cost: $2000+ Lifespan: 20-30 years Maintenance: medium Recommended for: anyone... read more -
Suffolk Sheep
Suffolk Sheep Breed: Suffolk SheepTemperament: quietMaintenance: mediumCost: from $100-$200 (ewes); $300-500 (flock rams); $1000-$10,000 (stud rams)Lifespan: 10-14 yearsRecommended for: hobby... read more -
Swedish Vallhund
Breed: Swedish Vallhund Temperament: active, easy to please Maintenance: low – medium Lifespan: up to 15 years Recommended for: families,... read more -
Fancy Goldfish
Fancy Goldfish Goldfish are very popular as pets because they are attractive, cheap to buy and fairly easy to... read more -
Cichlids and Aquariums
If you are too busy to walk a dog or care for a cat but would still like a pet,... read more -
Thai Ridgeback
Thai Ridgeback Breed: Thai RidgebackTemperament: independent, shy, cringingMaintenance: lowCost: not available in AustraliaRecommended for: not recommended History and genetic development... read more