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Laurie Seaman is a retired civil engineer who spent most of his life designing bridges all over the world. He lives in a sandstone house built by his grandfather in 1918, when there were only four other houses on the hill overlooking Palm Beach and Pittwater. Today the garden of ‘Seabell’, with its spectacular ocean views, has been amalgamated with the gardens of two neighbouring properties. Laurie has used his engineering skills to modify the area to suit the needs of groups of Seniors and disabled people, who are not always able to visit parks and reserves on such steep sites. The garden is particularly suitable for frail and disabled people who require easy access, including those in wheelchairs.

Usually Laurie only accepts group bookings. However, he gave ‘Burke’s Backyard’ a special guided tour and showed Don some of the many features that he has built into the garden, both for his own pleasure and to enable visitors to be self-sufficient. They include a drawbridge, two inclinators (adapted for wheelchairs) which lead to various areas in the garden, sandstone slabs that slide away to reveal wash basins, and four outdoor toilets with fabulous ocean views.

Further information

‘Seabell’ is open only to groups of Seniors and disabled people. Visits are arranged by appointment. To book, phone (02) 9974 1618. ‘Seabell’ also has a website at: