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To raise money, increase self-sufficiency and help intellectually disabled people live with freedom and choice, the Sunshine Home has set up a landscape and gardening business called MowMentus. MowMentus specialises in maintenance of landscapes and lawns, with the main focus on commercial/industrial sites. They also undertake full garden renovations and landscaping contracts on residential sites. MowMentus employees have completed the basic TAFE Garden Care certificate. Actor, Lynda Stoner, who is also a volunteer worker at the Sunshine Home, says that having a disability doesn’t mean having no ability. “Independence is such a cherished part of all of our lives and paid work is vital in realising that fundamental aspiration.”

Keeping Sydney green

Don and the Burke’s Backyard team visited a town house development maintained by MowMentus. There he met Lynda and MowMentus Manager, Matthew Browne, as well as crew members Chris Murphy, Anthony Clapham, Warren Oldfield and Darin Pryor. Matthew told Don that his employees are very dedicated workers, who rarely take sick days or arrive late. Many have held their jobs for over 15 years and enjoy working outdoors and being part of the community. On the day of our visit, the crew members demonstrated their gardening maintenance skills, including the use of ride-on mowers and other equipment, and Don was very impressed with the standard of their work.

Contact information

188-192 Pacific Highway
Greenwich, NSW 2065
Phone: (02) 9906 1255
Fax: (02) 9905 6624

Millicent Work Option Centre
16-18 George Street
Millicent, SA 5280
Contact: Neil Sylvia (Manager)
Phone: (08) 8733 2966
Fax: (08) 8733 4194
Email: [email protected]