Flowering Plum

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Prunus x blireana is one of the best spring flowering blossom trees. It is a cross between the cherry plum of the Middle East and the winter flowering plum of China and Japan. It is a deciduous tree growing to around 5m (15′) tall, with slender, arching branches, purple leaves, and double mauve-pink flowers from mid August to mid September. In our segment Peter Valder looked at ‘Moserii’, a cultivar with paler phlox-pink flowers, paler leaves and a lovely, honey-like scent.

Growing prunus

These hardy trees grow in most areas of Australia, except for the tropics. They like moderately fertile soil, good drainage and a sunny position. Protection from wind is important, as strong winds will blow the petals off the plant and ruin the spring flower display. Prunus x blireana flowers well if left unpruned. However, if the interior branches become congested and rub against each other, the plant becomes susceptible to attack by fruit-tree borer. After flowering it is a good idea to thin out the centre and make room for new growth by removing old, non-productive wood. (Note: Prunus x blireana flowers on 1-3 year old wood, only prune after flowering.) Watch for suckers from the understock, which will have green instead of reddish purple leaves. These should be removed immediately by rubbing them off with your fingers, or cutting them off flush with the trunk. A fungal disease called Shot Hole causes small holes to form in the leaves, usually in late spring or summer. If this problem occurs spray in autumn and again in late winter with copper oxychloride.

Getting started

Flowering plum trees are available at most nurseries, especially in winter when the plants are sold bare-rooted and in spring when potted plants in flower can be purchased. If your nursery does not have the cultivar ‘Moserii’ in stock, they can order it in for you. Expect to pay around $22-$25 for plants in flower in 250mm (10″) pots.