Heliotrope or cherry pie (Heliotrope arborescens) is an evergreen shrub from tropical Peru. It grows to around 1m (3′) tall and 1.5m (5′) wide. The foliage is dark green and crinkled, with golden (‘Aurea’) or purple leaved (‘Lord Roberts’) cultivars available. From early spring to late summer it produces clusters of violet to mauve flowers with a heady, vanilla fragrance. Heliotrope grows best in the warmer parts of Australia.
Heliotrope likes well-drained, fertile soil and a position in full sun. Prune back in early spring to encourage new flowering shoots and to promote bushiness. The prunings can be used to prepare soft-tip cuttings. Heliotrope can also be propagated from seed.
Heliotrope is readily available at nurseries and garden centres. Expect to pay about $12 for a 140mm (6″ ) pot.