Convolvulus mauritanicus is one of those plants that always does a good job. It is hardy, attractive, humble and very giving.
Plant details
Common name:
convolvulus (not often called by its common name, ‘bindweed’)
Botanic name:
Convolvulus mauritanicus
Trailing perennial with small, oval leaves and soft, slender stems. The violet-blue, morning glory-like flowers appear in early spring and continue until early autumn.
Best climate:
Most areas of Australia, including warm protected sites in Hobart and the mountains.
spillover plant
ground cover plant
hanging baskets
coastal gardens
Good points:
flowers for most of the year
good in sun or shade
tolerates salt spray
A member of the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae). Although morning glories (Ipomoea) can be extremely invasive in warm zones, Convolvulus mauritanicus is of moderate vigour only and never likely to be a nuisance.
Convolvulus likes a sunny position and well-drained, coarse soil. Water in dry spells. Prune to control and shape as required.
Getting started:
Convolvulus mauritanicus is readily available at nurseries. Expect to pay about $10-$12 for 140mm (6″) pots.