New Scientist magazine recently included an article about a spray product that was released in August, 2009.
Researchers at the University of Queensland developed a spray which they say is based on scientific proof that when grasses and green leaves are cut, at least 5 chemicals are released that contain stress-relieving properties. The biomedical scientific team led by Nick Lavidis spent seven years developing the aroma of the spray which they have called Serenascent.
Dr. Lavidis said he first had the idea for Serenascent on a tip to Yosemite National Park in America over 20 years ago.
“Three days in the park felt like a 3 month holiday” he said.
“I didn’t realize at the time that it was the actual combination of feel good chemicals released by the pine trees, the lush vegetation and the cut grass that made me feel so relaxed.”
“Years later my neighbour commented on the wonderful smell of cut grass after I mowed the lawn and it all started to click into place.”
Dr. Lavidis said that the aroma of Serenascent worked directly on the brain, in particular the emotional and memory parts known as the amygdala and the hippocampus.
Dr. Lavidis said the project had received funding from Brisbane-based company Neuroscent as well as philanthropic donations. It is being made and distributed online by Neuro Aroma Laboratory –