Jacaranda In Cold Climate

Jacaranda In Cold Climate

Jacaranda In Cold Climate

From Robin, Yreka, Siskiyou, California, USA


I live in Yreka, California. The USDA lists my area as zone 7 but in the actual town of Yreka we stay milder than the surrounding areas. Due to the climate change we have virtually no snow and the time we experience freezing is greatly reduced.
I have my heart set on growing a Jacaranda tree! I have a very sunny front yard where I would place it. Can you tell me how to grow one here, if there is a way? I am a gardener to the bone so whatever it might take I am willing to do. Please write and give me your advice?
Thank you-



Hi Robyn,

I don’t know is the answer. If you get severe (or Black) frosts, then a Jacaranda will die. 


The ideal microclimate is adjacent to a south to south-western facing masonry wall**  This sunny wall absorbs heat during the day and radiates it at night to keep the jacaranda alive. For the first 3 winters, you need to put the top of the young tree in a large clear plastic bag – with wooden stakes for support. Maybe put a mulch of still-rotting compost over its roots as well. After 3 winters, hopefully the jacaranda will survive all by itself.

**NB: In the USA (Northern hemisphere) you want a south-west facing wall as south is the sunny side. In AUSTRALIA (Southern hemisphere) it’s the opposite –ie: in the southern hemisphere the NORTH side is the sunny side.

Good luck,

Don Burke