Don’s Expert Answers: We have 6 Backyard Blitz Lilly Pillys where the new growth on top is being eaten by a small green catapiller

Question From:
in MCKINNON, Melbourne Victoria

Nature of problem:
We have 6 Backyard Blitz Lilly Pillys where the new growth on top is being eaten by a small green catapiller

Type of Plant (if known):
Backyard Blitz Lilly Pillys

Symptoms of Plant Illness (please try NOT to diagnose your problems yourself):
Healthy except the new growth at the top of the plants keep being eaten

Soil Type (e.g. sandy, clay or loam) OR Potting Mix Type:

How often do you water the plant:
every couple of days

How many hours of sunlight does the plant get each day:

How long since you planted it:
a year

Have you fertilised? If so, with what and when:

Is the plant indoors or outdoors:

Is the plant in a pot or in the ground:
in the ground

What other treatments have you given the plant:
tomato dust

Upload photo if available:

Other Comments:

There is no such plant: as the owners of the name ‘Backyard Blitz, we can confirm that we have not used that name for a plant. There is a plant Syzygium paniculatum ‘Backyard Bliss’ where the people are improperly trying to trade off on our registered name. This species of lillypilly is prone to insect attack and usually grows way too big for domestic gardens. We do not recommend it. Don