With the rampant growth from many plants over the last 6 months or so, it’s very possible that autumn colour may run late in many areas this year.
The constant rain and humidity have encouraged many plants and weeds to grow as never before. Equally, powdery mildew is everywhere and it has defoliated many hydrangeas.
Hopefully autumn will cool everything down and once the humidity subsides, there is much to do.
In the meantime, hold off on planting bulbs and peas of all types. Watch all the pumpkin family such as zucchinis, cucumbers, squashes etc. Powdery mildew is attacking them like mad. Spray if you need to with Eco Fungicide which is more or less baking powder.
Store pumpkins in very airy situations – even the traditional one of storing them on top of the roof of the shed.
Clean up all diseased leaves with powdery mildew and black spot affected leaves from the roses and put all of these leaves in the garbage bin, not the compost bin.