Don’s Tips: Herbs In Pots


Herbs in pots

I love herbs. They add flavour to almost all foods – allowing the family or guests to option-up their dinners; to improve the appeal of any dish.

Herbs do really well in pots too.  You can paint pots to suit your décor (mauve or light purple goes so well with greyish-leaved herbs like rosemary, lavender, sage, thyme etc.).

And there are many herbs to try for the first time like flat-leaved parsley which tastes and feels much better in your mouth.

Placed around barbeque areas, herb gardens or pots of herbs add a beautiful atmosphere to an area.

In pots, always choose a largish size for herbs – never less than 30cm (1 ft.) in diameter.  Mini herb garden pots can be quite shallow dishes but around 60cm to 1 metre in diameter.

–   Think of herbs now, and cut them back every 4-6 weeks to keep their growth fresh and tasty.

Hooroo! Don