Search Results for: pug

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Ralph Obituary was missing from this week’s program you were right: it was Ralph, the pug. Sadly, Ralph passed away on December 19, 2000. The cause of his death is not known, but it was possibly snakebite. Ralph was born with the pedigree name of Kangala Ginrummy on June 6, 1997. From day one he had tremendous canine charisma, as well as a natural flair for television. It wasn’t long before he was helping Don present Burke’s Backyard every week, even upstagi... read more

Griffon Bruxellois

...eloped from the Yorkshire Terrier, King Charles Spaniel, Affenpinscher and Pug. Last century it was a typical Belgium street dog, proving useful in stables when its rat catching abilities were recognised. They were popular with European royalty and with what passes as American royalty – Jack Nicholson – who also owns a Griffon. While never a numerous breed in Australia (less than 100 pups are registered annually) breeders say there is always a wai... read more