Vinyl Drawers

Tara Dennis used stick-on vinyl to transform a second-hand chest of drawers into a funky piece of furniture for a teenage boy’s bedroom.


cordless drill
sandpaper and sanding block
Stanley knife


vinyl (Tara used Techno Zinc Stud)
chrome legs
chrome handles
spray paint (flat black)
contact adhesive

How it is done

1.Remove the handles and unscrew the legs.
2. Use coarse sandpaper to rough up the surface (so that the vinyl will stick). Using fine sandpaper, sand the edges around the drawers, the top and the front face of the chest.
3. Wipe down the surface of the drawers to remove dust and dirt. Apply a coat of black spray paint. When dry, spray on a second coat.
4. Measure then cut the vinyl to fit each section using a straight edge rule and a sharp Stanley knife.
5. Cover both surfaces with contact adhesive, comb through using the adhesive spreader, and then wait a few minutes for the adhesive to go tacky. Position the vinyl carefully and when the edges are perfectly aligned, press the surfaces firmly together.
6. Screw on the new chrome legs and chrome handles.

Further information

Total cost of this makeover: approximately $300
Spray paint (flat black), about $7.50
Contact adhesive, around $18 per litre
Adhesive spreaders cost about $3 each
Chrome handles cost about $7 each
Chrome legs cost about $14 each
(all available from hardware stores)

Vinyl flooring is available from flooring specialists. Techno Zinc Stud is available from flooring specialists and costs about $100 per square metre. For more information visit the Amtico website: