Don’s Tips: Weekend Warriors


Weekend Warriors

Today’s sermon is directed at the Weekend Warriors of Australia: the brave souls who drive a desk all week then go out to create havoc on weekends.

You will benefit from using your body well. For instance, always let the tool do the work: not your arms or body. A saw cuts best and easiest in gentle long strokes using the whole blade. Always use your feet (not your arms) to push a spade into the ground.

Don’t flail at things: use an axe in a gentle and fluid way. Take your time.

Alternate arms to prevent strains and blisters. For instance, for prolonged sweeping or raking, do some left-handed and some right-handed.

Sharpen cutting tools like spades, axes, secateurs and saws. For tools like spades and axes a bench grinder is really effective.

Don’t buy a chainsaw! Remember what happened to Greg Norman recently. Use a bow saw instead.

Try to develop smooth, easy movements with all tools: then you’ll still be pain free when you are 80!
