Don’s Tips: Citrus Care Now

orange tree

Citrus care

February is the most important month for citrus and lawn care.

For your lawns to grow well, look green and to fight against weed attack, you need to fertilise now with about half the usual dose of lawn food. I really like the slow release lawn foods like Scott’s Lawn Builder.

For citrus it’s critical to keep them fertilized twice a year – in August & NOW in February. Use any brand of citrus food. Don’t forget to keep lawn and shrubs well away from the base of your citrus trees – perhaps a diameter of 3-4 metres with just mulch on top.

Come to think of it, why not shoot out & get a new lemon tree – the dwarf Eureka is the best one.


What about one of the new Australian native finger limes. They are thorny bushes that produce finger-shaped fruit full of citrus bubbles that look like caviar. And the fruit have a stunning lime flavor.

SO – Citrus & lawn care now.
