Native Frangipani


In spring this small native tree is almost smothered in creamy yellow, frangipani-like flowers with a strong heady fragrance.

Plant details

Common name: Native frangipani
Botanical name: Hymenosporum flavum
Description: Evergreen tree to about 10m (30′) tall in cultivation, but larger in its natural habitat. The branches grow in distinct horizontal layers, and the leaves are dark green and glossy with a hairy underside. The strongly scented flowers are whitish cream aging to deep yellow, followed by pear-shaped woody capsules containing winged seeds.
Best climate: Adelaide, Sydney, Perth and areas north.

Good points:

Sweetly perfumed flowers, cream aging to yellow Attractive layered branching pattern Attracts honey-eating birds, butterflies Excellent small tree for the home garden


Well drained, moist soil Full sun to dappled shade Wind protection


Heavy, poorly drained clay soils


Sometimes in some areas this tree fails to grow well Branches are brittle are can be damaged by strong winds

Getting started:

Native frangipani can be difficult to find – you may need to order from your local native nursery. Cost 150mm (6″) pot, $7.50.