Mine’s Bigger Than Yours


Due to the fact that viewers have been sending in some very strange (as well as large) entries, Don has decided to divide the ‘Mine’s Bigger Than Yours’ competition into two categories. There will be one prize for ‘weird’ and one for ‘big’.

Huge vegies

Robyn Klaus sent Don a photograph of a massive cabbage grown by her father, a snap of a giant motorbike was sent in by Noel Wilton in Bolgart, WA, while Elke Illy has grown a radish (Yates ‘Gentle Giant’ variety) that looks like a tree!

Weird category entries

Roslyn Raines of Tin Can Bay in Queensland has grown a very distorted tomato, which she says reminds her of Jimmy Durante. Thanks also to Alan Bourzali of Stanthorpe in Queensland for his terribly misshapen eggplant.