Grevillea ‘Firesprite’


Grevillea ‘Firesprite’

‘Firesprite’, a hybrid between G. longistyla and G. venusta, was bred by grevillea authority Merv Hodge and is among the best of the new varieties.

Plant details

Common name: ‘Firesprite’
Botanical name: Grevillea ‘Firesprite’
Description: Fast growing evergreen shrub 3-5m (10-15′) tall and approximately 2m (6′) in width. It has glowing red flowers and deeply lobed, bright green foliage.
Best climate: ‘Firesprite’ will thrive in most areas of Australia, except for Hobart and the mountains.

Best look:

Feature plant Screening plant Foliage contrast plant Native garden Bird attracting garden

Good points:

Long flowering Fiery red flowers and beautiful bright green foliage Attracts nectar feeding birds Hardy in most reasonably drained soils Once established ‘Firesprite’ shouldn’t require extra watering


Grow in full sun in a well drained spot. Prune regularly to shape the plant and encourage the production of new growth and flowers.

Getting started:

‘Firesprite’ is available in NSW and Queensland, but could be hard to find elsewhere. You may need to order from your local specialist native nursery. Expect to pay $6.95 for plants in 150mm (6″) pots.