Eremophila nivea


Eremophila nivea

Don looked at Eremophila nivea, an emu bush with silvery leaves covered with fine hairs which trap moisture. Although perfectly adapted to survive in the drier parts of Australia, in humid coastal zones this plant is not easy to grow and is susceptible to fungal problems. The good news is that grafted plants are now available – they are more vigorous and do better in difficult areas.

Plant details

Common name: Emu bush
Botanical name: Eremophila nivea
Description: Upright shrub to 2m (6′) tall. Silvery grey foliage contrasts beautifully with purple tubular flowers.
Best climate: Eremophila nivea will grow well in Perth, Adelaide and inland areas. It is also worth a try in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.


a dry, sunny position good drainage alkaline soil


humidity moist soil conditions


Once established water sparingly or not at all. In humid areas prune regularly to open the plant up and allow air movement – this prevents fungal problems.

Getting started:

The following specialist Australian native nurseries have stock available:

Kuranga Native Nursery, Ringwood, VIC. Phone: (03) 9879 4076
Grafted plants in 140mm (5 1/2") pots, $16.95
Mt Cassell Native Nursery, Pomonal, VIC. Phone: (03) 5356 6351.
Grafted plants in 140mm (5 1/2") pots, $13.

Zanthorrea Nursery, Maida Vale, WA. Phone: (08) 9454 6260
Non-grafted plants in 140mm (5 1/2") pots, $6.35.

Nellie Nursery, Mannum, SA. Phone: (08) 8569 1762
Non-grafted plants in 140mm (5 1/2") pots, $6.50

Cranebrook Native Nursery, Cranebrook, NSW, 2749. Phone: (02) 4777 4256.
Grafted plants in 200mm (8") pots, $30 (available from September 20).