Don’s Tips: Cat Plants


Cat Plants

If you have a cat, please try to remember that cats in houses are often bored witless. This is, however, easily fixed.

Cats adore raised runways around the house, and their own refuge areas. They love toys that mimic mice or insects when shaken.

So much of cat bad behavior is due to lack of understanding the cat’s needs by the owner.  If you have access to Foxtel, you should watch “My Cat from Hell” with Jackson Galaxy on Animal Planet. He is the first cat person to really understand cats in my opinion. This guy is a magician with cats!

You might also grow catnip in a pot for the cat, plus cat grass too. These are usually available at nurseries.

But avoid the following plants which are poisonous to cats: lilies, philodendrons, dieffenbachias, caladiums, tulips, daffodils and jonquils.

Here’s to a happier life for cats!

Hooroo, Don