Don’s Tips: Backyard Farm – Gluts


Backyard Farm – Gluts

About this time of year, backyard farm gluts occur. That is, you produce more fruit and vegies than you can use.

Many people swap excess produce with friends and neighbours and family.

Some people use fruits like citrus, apricots, peaches, apples, cherries, strawberries etc. to make jams. These jams make excellent home-made presents for friends and family too!  Homemade presents are usually appreciated far more than purchased gifts.

Apples and citrus store well in boxes in cool areas of the home. Take care to wrap them in paper so that they don’t touch each other. Some apples like granny smith and pink lady store better than other varieties.

Or, you can juice your citrus and freeze it in icecube trays in the fridge. You can do the same with passionfruit. Excess tomatoes are excellent for making bolognaise sauce or for drying.

Excess herbs can be cut and dried in an airy place under the house. Once dry you can crush them and store them in bottles.

Now is the time to process gluts of food plants from your backyard farm.

Hooroo, Don