Don’s Tips: Backyard Harvest Times



Backyard Harvest

April is very much the time to harvest the food that you have grown in your backyard.  This is the real FUN part of backyard food growing.

So – a few notes on when to pick:

Avocadoes ripen a few days after picking – they don’t ripen on the tree

All olives will ripen to a black colour which indicates ripeness.  For green olives pick when the juice from the olive turns from clear to milky.

Citrus are ripe when one tastes good.  They can be greenish and ripe or yellow or orange and still not ripe.  Harvest sour ones for marmalade.

Most fruit are ripe when they colour and when one picked fruit tastes OK

All green vegetables can be eaten as young as you like – but don’t let them get big and tough.  Small is best

Pick tomatoes when they are half red and half green.

Youngish beans, peas or broad-beans taste superb

All herbs must be selected from lush new growth after pruning
