Don’s Tips: Strawberries




After the recent frozen berry scare where diseases were detected in imported frozen berries, many people are thinking of growing their own berries.

Berries are fun to grow at home, but most only produce a few berries each day, meaning that you need 10 to 20 berry bushes to get a feed.  Picking the berries is a tedious task as well.

The one berry that is fast, easy and hugely productive is the strawberry.  These are by far the best of all berries to grow at home and now is the time to buy strawberry plants from your local plant shop.

Strawberries grow well in pots or in the ground.  They are easy for the kids to grow too.

They prefer full sun and regular fertilizing.  Some even have pretty pink flowers.

… So, stick to growing strawberries – you will be really glad that you followed this tip!
