Foot Warmer: The French Alternative


Having cold feet in winter is not a modern phenomenon; it seems to have been a source of discomfort to human beings through the ages. Queen Elizabeth 1 found a hot brick wrapped in wool helpful, while Queen Victoria preferred a warming pan. If, like Jackie French, your toes are always colder than the rest of your body, try some homemade toe warming cream to help increase the circulation.

How it’s made

Mix together one cup of Sorbolene cream and half a teaspoon of Tabasco. Next do a simple skin test. Apply a little on the inside of your wrist, and leave for a few minutes. If it feels too hot or leaves a red mark, dilute with more Sorbolene cream. If you experience further discomfort, it is not recommended that you continue. When you feel a gentle tingling sensation and you’re happy with the proportions, rub some of the mixture into your toes.


Tabasco is made from chillies and could cause severe stinging if the toe warming cream comes into contact with eyes or with broken skin.

Further information

Tabasco and Sorbolene cream are available at supermarkets Australia wide.