Bazookas: The French Alternative


Bath time again, and in case you haven’t realised it yet, Jackie French regards bathing as an activity to be treasured. To be done properly, with time and dedication. Here’s another favourite from her selection of homemade bathing treats – bath bazookas. These are much cheaper than commercial bath bombs, they smell good and they fizz

Bath Bazookas

  • 1/2 cup cream of tartar (tartaric acid)
  • 1/2 cup bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/4 cup powdered starch
  • 1 teaspoon fragrant oil
  • extra sesame, apricot kernel or almond oil
  • 1 drop food colouring (optional)


Mix the dry ingredients together then add the oil, one drop at a time, using only as much oil as needed. When the balls are firm, leave them in the sun to dry for a few hours. For a fancier bazooka, add one drop of food colouring to the basic bazooka mix, then press firmly into moulds. They take longer to dry this way, so leave the balls to set for at least a day before removing from the moulds. Just before you pop yourself into the bath, pop two or three of these balls into the hot tub. (Tip: store your bazookas in a dry place, any touch of moisture will destroy them.)

Further information

Shop bought bath bombs cost up to $5. Jackie’s homemade bazookas range from 10-50c. More of Jackie French’s recipes for luxury bathing can be found in the April 1999 edition of the Burke’s Backyard magazine.