Wise Sculptures


Phillip Ceccato’s sculptures of animals and birds are “95% anatomically correct”. He has achieved this level of accuracy by combining a love of wildlife, attention to detail and a lot of research at the Queensland Museum. Phil established Wise Design in 1992, and since then he has created over 30 sculptures in his workshop in Queensland, as well as water features and artificial rock and cave areas on properties throughout Brisbane.

Tree house

When Don arrived at Phil’s place, he was amazed to discover that the entrance to the house looks like a tree! The concrete ‘tree’ was stamped with texture pads made from a real dead log, and then sculpted with deeper textures. In the lounge room the main fireplace looks like a burnt out hollow trunk. It has a hidden sliding door, which can be pulled and the flue dampened to allow wood to burn all night.

The sculptures

One of Philip’s earliest commissions was a giant koala for Coffs Harbour Zoo. Since then he has done sculptures of an Australian wedge-tailed eagle, a boobook owl, a baby African elephant with a waterspout trunk, and tree nymphs in different sizes. On the day we visited there were several works in progress in Phil’s studio, including a lion’s head made from a mould of a lion’s head in the museum. Phil’s sculptures are made using steel armature and plasticine before making moulds and casting in fibreglass, concrete or bronze. The garden sculptures are cast in fibreglass and are light and durable.

Cost and availability

Phil sells his work by order and also through some bigger Brisbane nurseries. Prices start at about $300 – $500 for a life-size pelican or medium-size tree nymph. For more information, email: wisedesign@optusnet.com.au or visit the website: www.wisedesign.com.au