Glenorie Garden


Glenorie Garden

Rolf and Elisabeth’s garden is filled with fun and romance. They lovingly created it over the past twenty-one years, with Rolf clearing the bush, shifting rocks by hand and doing all the planting. Many of the garden features are made by hand, including the wishing well and the stone bench at ‘Lovers Corner’. Rolf and Elisabeth gave Don a guided tour of all the different sections of the garden. There was much laughter as they walked around explaining the background of various items, including a tantalising photo of the two of them wearing nothing but giant green leaves!


Fun garden features

A path through the tropical jungle area leads to a thatched hut, complete with grass skirts and leis on the walls, a shell light, and other artifacts collected on holidays in Hawaii. At Lover’s Corner couples can sit in private on a handmade stone seat next to a wall plaque. The stone wishing well contains the usual coins, as well as some unusual frogs! There are many statues of animals, including some fibreglass reindeer recycled from a David Jones display window. A rock pool and fountain is home to large rainbow carp. Rolf’s shed is immaculate: nails and screws are stored in matching glass jars, extension cords are all hung at the same length, and every tool is painted red so that it can be easily seen in the garden.