Bring Back the Love Makeover


Don, Scott Cam and Nigel Ruck brought back the love to a tired-looking front yard. First they removed clumps of dietes (Dietes iridiodes) which were potted up and given away to passers-by. The team then set about a quick tart up of the front yard.

Don advised that it is best to keep the soil already in your garden as it is most likely to be better than any soil you can buy. He then added a mixture of P coarse sand (approx. $56 per tonne) and Cow & Compost Soil Conditioner (an organic cow manure and compost mix, approx $54 per cubic metre) and forked it through the existing soil to create a perfect bed for the new plants.

Plants used included: Cordyline ‘Burgundy Spire’ which was placed in pots beside the front door, a row of Cordyline ‘Red Fountain’, rose mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos), and purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

This makeover was achieved by Don, Scott & Nigel in just a few hours, a perfect weekend job for any couple! The simple idea of doing a bit of a tidy up and adding some colour to the garden will bring back the love to any home! And autumn is of course the perfect time to plant.