Jack the Corella


Jack the Corella

Jack the Corella has appeared on many television shows all over the world, including Burke’s Backyard, Midday, the BBC’s "Look who’s talking" and programmes on CNN and Japanese TV. Jack has won many Burke’s Backyard competitions, these include Burke’s Backyards "My pet’s a genius" the quirky pet competition 1998. The Burke’s Backyard crew had arrived at the Bayswater house of Ida Gallop, owner and trainer of Jack to film more stories.

The visit

Filming began with Ida while her beloved Jack began doing tricks and talking. However, in the process Ida took a fall on the hard concrete breaking one wrist and straining her other. Being a trooper, Ida insisted that the show should go on. So once the ambulance was called and Ida was taken to hospital to have her wrist set in plaster, Don and the crew went along to visit her with the usual flowers, chocolates and of course, Jack the Corella. It wasn’t only Ida who had suffered some distress over the accident, Jack was also pining for his mistress. Once by Ida’s side Jack performed some of his tricks for Ida and entertained the hospital staff and patients in the Emergency ward.

Burke’s Backyard will return to Perth to continue filming with Jack and Ida later in the year.