Camellia reticulata


Camellia reticulata, introduced in Australia 30 years ago, is less commonly known in the camellia family. Yet as the largest flowering of the entire camellia group, it is spectacular. Reticulata refers to the strong veining or reticulated pattern in the leaves.

Plant Details

Botanic name: Camellia reticulata ‘Ellie Rubensohn’

This camellia is named after the wife of its creator, who hybridised two Chinese reticulatas ‘Crimson Rose’ and ‘Purple Gown’.

Description: In good conditions the enormous flowers can grow to 20cm (8″) in diameter, the size of a dinner plate, with colour shades from pink to red. Camellia reticulata is often sold grafted onto the understock of a Sasanqua Camellia. It has open branches and will typically grow to 8m (25′) tall.


Grows best in temperate climates: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Tasmania and in Adelaide and temperate inland areas if sheltered from hot dry winds.

Downside: They are an expensive plant because they are always grafted. They are also difficult to find in nurseries.


attractive feature tree large attractive flowers excellent for float bowl decorations attract some Australian native birds


full sun rich and well-mulched soil

Cost and availability

Camellia reticulata ‘Ellie Rubensohn’ is not readily available. However ‘Ellies Girl’ which is a seedling of ‘Ellie Rubensohn’ is available from specialist camellia nurseries, as are many other varieties of Camellia reticulata.

‘Ellies Girl’ has a large formal double deep pink flower and strong upright growth. Flowers June to mid-September.

Camellia reticulata cost from $17 for a 200mm (8′”) pot to $48 for a 300mm (1′) pot.

The following nursery can supply interstate orders for ‘Ellies Girl’ with a freight charge added:

Camellia Grove,
8 Cattai Ridge Road,
Glenorie  2157
Ph: 9652 1200